Emileigh’s first time at the fair was a success….. other than the fact that she has complete “Photographers kid syndrome” and absolutely will not look at the camera haha! Thats ok though because she is still my cute little spunky red-head! Her little personality is 100% evident in her photos!
From riding the rides, to getting cotton candy (I was more excited about that part…ha!), to daddy winning her a lady bug… our little family outing is one to remember! We rode the carousel first and it was absolutely hilarious! She went from laughing and smiling to crying all in the matter of seconds! Then she started laughing again! She just couldn’t make up her mind whether she liked it or not! Then the same thing happened with the little dragon rollercoaster! So we strolled along and she absolutely LOVED the motorcycles, cars, boats, and fourwheelers!
We were waiting in line for her to get on one of the rides and Maw Maw and Paw Paw surprised her!! She gets so excited any time she sees any of her grandparents! We were out of tickets by the time they got there but PawPaw wanted to buy her more tickets so we did one more round of rides! The night came to an end and for the next two days the fair was all she talked about! Needless to say, we are going to take advantage of more of the upcoming festivals because Emileigh Claire approves!!